Good Posture Is Essential to Your Good Health

Poor posture can be the beginning of many other health issues. Many of us spend our days at a computer desk,
and we tend to hold our bodies in tense, misaligned positions. Here’s what could be happening in your body when you sit or stand with improper alignment:

  • Your intestines (viscera) can be compressed into a smaller space and become less efficient.
  • Your circulation may be decreased due to reduced blood flow.
    Your chest muscles can tighten inward and cause pain in your neckshoulder, and back.
  • You may have weakened arches in your feet, causing overpronation, which can lead to other issues in your musculoskeletal system.
  • Your hip flexors can tighten and cause lower back pain.
  • Your neck muscles can tighten and cause pain.
  • All of these issues can cause a chain reaction of other events in your body.

Schedule A Posture Screening

A representative will get back to you within one business day to schedule your posture screening.

What Does Proper Alignment Look Like?

  • When viewed from the front, your ears, shoulders, and hips should line up.
  • When viewed from the side, your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle should align.

Posture Issues that Cause Health Problems

Forward hip tilt
Forward hip tilt is caused by spending too much time sitting without stretching your hip flexors. Take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around.

Flat or weakened arches in your feet typically lead to overpronation. We can identify this issue with a posture screening.

We can diagnose a hunchback condition with a visual screening to measure the curve in your upper spine. If you sit at a computer all day hunched over your desk, you can develop hunchback.

Rounded shoulders
Rounded shoulders can result from sitting at a desk all day with poor posture.

Forward head
If you have a tendency to lean forward when working at a desk, you may be pulling your head forward and out of alignment with your spine.

Individual Treatment Plans for Better Health

Our medical professionals will assess your posture through a brief screening. We may take photos to assess your alignment, and ask you to walk and stand. We will look for the following conditions:

  • An unnatural stride
  • One shoulder lower than the other
  • Unusual shoe wear
  • A forward head tilt
  • A high or rotated hip
  • Weight imbalance
  • Contracted leg length (one leg is longer than the other)
  • A side head tilt

Once we’ve identified your body’s biomechanical alignment issues, we’ll discuss your case as a team and prepare a treatment plan specific to you and your condition.

Problems with one set of muscles often lead to other problems. Solving your posture issues tends to help resolve a series of related biomechanical issues in your muscles and tissues.

Have Questions?

A Back In Action health advisor is standing by to help you achieve your health goals.

Call (772) 324-9337
