Do I use heat or ice on an injury?
August 4, 2017Stop The Beating (In My Head)
February 16, 2018Between your spinal bones (vertebrae) are flexible, gel-like pads called “discs” (intervertebral discs) that give your spine its curve and flexibility (a curved, flexible spine is much stronger than a straight rigid one). Spinal discs are often times involved in lower back pain.
Disc Problems
As you age, your discs may lose fluid and small cracks or lesions may form in the outer walls. This damage may also be caused or accelerated by the presence of subluxations, a distortion in your structural system that chiropractors can correct. Your disc may bulge, irritate the nerves and cause lots of pain and discomfort. In severe cases disc damage may affect sitting, standing, walking or lifting and cause pain when sneezing, defecating or coughing. Numbness and/or tingling of the leg or foot or a loss of muscular control may also occur.
Can I find Relief from my Disc Problem?
If you know you have a disc problem or think your back pain may be due to a disc there are many different options for treatment depending on the type of damage. Some disc problems do end up in surgery, but the majority of disc problems are effectively treated through conservative care (Physical therapy, Chiropractic, Local Injections) measures.
Can I Prevent Disc Problems?
Improved mechanics of muscle and bone movement can prevent abnormal wear and tear and disc problems, so yes, disc problems and back pain can be prevented. If you already have a disc problem or think you have one then conservative care, specifically chiropractic and physical therapy, can help you regain your life back from spine and disc problems. Other benefits of getting care for your spine (discs, vertebrae and nerves) is that you will feel and see improvements throughout your whole body! Conservative care is not limited to back and disc problems; it is for your entire body. Many times patients visiting their physical medicine clinic for a back or a neck problem have been pleasantly surprised at the holistic or whole-body effect of chiropractic and physical therapy. Why wait until a disc becomes ‘hot’ before exploring conservative care measures, prevention is the key.
Prevention is the Best Medicine.
Chiropractic and physical therapy care may help prevent your spine from deterioration and herniation. Conservative care practitioners have even helped people relieve the pain and frustration of failed back surgery. Please, before your problems get worse, have a simple spinal check up. You get your eyes, teeth and blood pressure checked, why not your spine?